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发布日期:2019-06-05 阅读:


On 3 June 2019, some undergraduate international students from the class of 18Q of the Law (International Law) program and postgraduate students of School of Law of Zhejiang Gongshang University (ZJGSU) visited Hong Kong International Arbitration Center (HKIAC) Shanghai Office. Our students were accorded a cordial reception by Dr. Yang Ling, the Deputy Secretary-General and Chief Representative of HKIAC Shanghai Office.


Dr. Yang Ling brilliantly and humorously explained the course of development, cognizance of case, and characteristic of case management of HKIAC Shanghai Office. It sparked our students’ interest in further discussions on arbitration rule, appointment of arbitrator, professional participation, the administration and monitoring of the arbitral proceedings. Dr. Yang Ling meticulously explained all these and pointed out that arbitration institution should play more significant role in the social governance of a modern country. International business arbitration has long been the focus of attention all over the world. HKIAC pursuits and persists on equality and justice, including enhancing the status of women in arbitration, pulling weight of women on the arbitration stage and helping the development of developing countries.


HKIAC Shanghai Office was established in November 2015. It is the first representative office of internationally renowned arbitration institution in Shanghai.

上一条: 韩国首尔高等法院EuiYoung Lee 法官为法学院留学生做讲座 2019-10-26
下一条: 北京大成(杭州)律师事务所高洋律师做客法学院留学生项目 2019-05-17

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